Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can i keep my long hair?

Well my football coach who is also my gym teacher was talking to me and my friend and he told us that if we plan on playing football this year, we would have to cut our hair

I dont want to cut my hair

it's down past the top of my shirt in the back and past my nose in the front.

Can't i just keep my hair like trey polamalu or however you spell it from the steelers or is there a rule about long hair

Can i keep my long hair?

i would reccomend that u get a haircut because if u keep it long, u have to adjust the pads in your helmet a lot and that takes about an hour. if u have short hair, it is not hard to have the helmet on.

Can i keep my long hair?

theres no rule in the nfl although some college football schools or nfl coaches make those decision sumthimes its all about the coach

Can i keep my long hair?

You need to listen to your coach, and to abide by his rules if you want to play football this year. Football is all about discipline, and if you can't do a simple thing like cutting your hair, you will have trouble. If your coach tells you to get your hair cut, then that's his rule. I would do it and not complain or cry about it.

I had long hair when I was a teenager, but I had to get it cut for a job. It was either cut it, or not making any money, it was an easy decision. Also, why would you want your hair past your nose in the front?? I think you need to be able to see, especially if you want to play football.

My advice to you is, grow up, listen to your coach, and get your hair cut. You may not want to do it, but there are many things in life we don't want to do.

Can i keep my long hair?

There is no rule, but the hair does allow something for players to grab onto, and it is very uncomfortable, especially on hot August two a days.

Can i keep my long hair?

I think you should cut your hair because one coach told you to and you should listen to him and plus you don't want to have long hair when your playing football cause when someone cant catch you they'll go grabbing for it

Can i keep my long hair?

Well cutting your hair would help out because guys like me will grab handfulls of it because your dumb enough to have it long like that in the first place. Football players will go for the first thing they see to pull you down. Your not a girl so cutting it would sure make you look more like a man. By the way if you want to be like Polamalu just get a film of the Chiefs/Steelers game last year and watch Larry Johnson take him down by his hair. Thats the way it should be.

Can i keep my long hair?

Honestly dude listen to ur coach and get it cut, if u want to play u have to listen to him, plus trust me...when ur out in August during Two-A-Days ur mind will change fast... my friend got sick from getting to hot on the first day of was like 9 am and was already 107 degrees. trust me...cut it lol. plus...why is it past ur nose?? u cannot see lol and there gonna pull ur hair off...either cut it painlessly or get it yanked off lol

Can i keep my long hair?

while there are no rules regulating the length of player's hair, your coach said to cut it.

Can i keep my long hair?

Well your coach can tell you get it cut or you ARE CUT. Yeah Coaches have that power. Do you have some reason you want to keep it long? Troy Polamalu keeps his hair long because his heritage. He is doing it out of respect to his ancestors basically. Do you have any REAL reason or is just you want your hair to be long? If you just want your hair to be long you have no argument against the Coach if you ask me. If you are doing it for your heritage and paying respect like he is then maybe, JUST MAYBE, you could talk to the coach and explain it. If that was REALLY the case he might let you be an exception, although don't expect it because then others would come in with stories. Although I figure you are just someone who doesn't want ot have to cut your hair, and in that case don't play football, or be a man.

Can i keep my long hair?

Are you really comparing yourself to Troy Polamalu? Do you think you are that good or did ytou just choose the guy with the longest hair to make you point and to try to get your own way? Are you or your decendants from an island in the Pacific like Troy where his hair has rekligious and cultural significance? If not then cut your hair and stop whining.

Can i keep my long hair?

there is a rule about long hair in the nfl..... if someone tackles u by your hair like they did troy last year u can not dco anything about it they say it is a part of your uniform and it can be used as a way to tackle.... tj husemondzada for the bengels had it happen to him last year too.....but i say just cut it and keep on playing and it will grow back later when u go to college

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