Thursday, April 26, 2012

Does having long hair effect your health ?

Is it possible that if a person (most probably a female) has really long hair ... and that causes her to be weak...

Does having long hair effect your health ?

Long hair is a result of health, time, and truly a labor of love! It adds remarkable beauty to a woman--makes her feel femminine, sexy, strong, confident.

The biggest mistake a woman makes is chopping her hair off after an emotional rollercoaster, or to "fit in" with the trend of short, over-processed hair that requires 20 different styling products and a trip to the salon every month.

Another mistake is the general publics misconception about women with long hair. They are two. 1. That the woman is Pentecostal or of some other religious faith that requires women to have long hair. 2. That the woman is growing out her hair solely to cut it off and donate it.

Does having long hair effect your health ?

Not especially, but I feel much more confident when I have shorter hair

Does having long hair effect your health ?

Most certainly not, To me, longer hair means you have good health.

Does having long hair effect your health ?

No, because they look damn sexy!

Does having long hair effect your health ?

It means you might get beat up more. But other than that.......probably not.

Does having long hair effect your health ?

No....Where did you hear that, Your obviously a man! xBx

Does having long hair effect your health ?

Causes her to be weak? I don't think so. That would have to be some LONG %26amp; THICK hair.

Does having long hair effect your health ?


Does having long hair effect your health ?

I once had a friend called Carly and she had really long hair and she always looked pale. (We were both six years old so it may have been too much ice cream). The older generation DO say that long hair makes you poorly, but I'm not quite sure if that is true. I have long hair and when I have to wash it and dry it, I DO feel quite ill after an hour of doing it! It may be psychological, short hair makes you feel more powerfulI, well it does me!) and long hair (as I have now) makes me feel a lot more feminine, but certainly not weak!

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