Friday, April 20, 2012

Do baby boxers have long hair?

We bought a boxer puppy,we seen the parents,both full boxers,the mother is white though,the puppies have longer hair than I ever seen on a boxer.Hair is about 1/2 inch long...

Do baby boxers have long hair?

1/2inch isnt that long. when my boxers were puppies their hair was fuzzier and longer than it is now as adults.

Do baby boxers have long hair?

Most puppies are kinda fuzzy, but boxers have short hair.

Do baby boxers have long hair?

no they don't but half inch is still pretty short. they usually have really short hair my neighbors used to have one and i would take care of it all the time,like when they would go away and stuff.

Do baby boxers have long hair?

I have never seen one with "long" hair. Is it possible that maybe the dad wasn't actually the dad?

Do baby boxers have long hair?

no they have short hair. why is your dog having puppies?

Do baby boxers have long hair?

no they don't have

Do baby boxers have long hair?

It could depend on the age of the pup too. Take the pup in (which you should do anyway) to your Vet. I am assuming the dogs are registered? Years ago, you could not register a white Boxer. Mother could have had an "experience" with more than one daddy too.

This is the biggest reason you should always know your breeder really, really well and get references. How do you, honestly, know those were both parents? Couldn't they have dogs there that were not the parents? How would you know??

Do baby boxers have long hair?

they have short hair, congrats on the new puppy!

Do baby boxers have long hair?

No. Boxers do not have long hair (but anyone else? is 1/2 inch long on a pup?) and since you bought from someone breeding a white boxer I'd say its likely you got shafted. White boxers are not recognized breeding stock and you are dealing with a disreputable breeder.

Whatever you have, whatever mix or whether it is a full boxer with some weird non conformity it is likely to still be a wonderful companion and great, loving addition to your life. I hope you will get your dog spayed/neutered and be a responsible pet owner, not like whoever you got the dog from.

Do baby boxers have long hair?

my boxer has not long had 11 puppies and they all have short hair i would say the dad isn't the dad if they have long hair..

i am sure it is still cute tho :)

Do baby boxers have long hair?

It could be a mix breed. Female dogs can breed with more than one dog when the are receptive and can have puppies that have different fathers in the same litter. You need to ask the people you bought the puppy from if it is possible another dog got to her. Did you get papers on the puppy? If so you can also report them to that kennel club and make sure they are on the up and up. White boxers are also prone to skin problems.

Do baby boxers have long hair?

All boxers have short hair.

Do baby boxers have long hair?

I just bought a boxer this past weekend and he has short hair but i guess its possible.

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