1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him,
What about Jesus? His hair was long was it not?
A sin for men to have long hair?
The bible is very clear on this issue:
It is wrong for a man to cut his hair:
Numbers 6:5
No razor shall come upon his [a Nazarite's] head. He shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair on his head grow.
But he should be sure and cut his hair:
1 Corinthians 11:14
Doth not even nature herself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
A sin for men to have long hair?
What was considered long then? When my father grew up, if the hair touched a mans ears, that was considered long.
A sin for men to have long hair?
His hair is long in the paintings of him. He's also Roman in those portraits. He also didn't know Paul, who wrote Corinthians.
A sin for men to have long hair?
Was the hair of Jesus long? Only Nazirites were not to cut their hair or drink wine, and Jesus was not a Nazirite. So he no doubt had his hair neatly clipped like any other Jewish male. (Numbers 6:2-7) He also enjoyed wine in moderation when in the company of others, and this reinforces the thought that he was not a cheerless person. (Luke 7:34) Indeed, he made wine by performing a miracle at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. (John 2:1-11) And he evidently wore a beard, which is attested to in a prophecy concerning his suffering.閳ユ摠saiah 50:6.
What about Jesus閳?complexion and features? They were likely Semitic. He would have inherited these features from his mother, Mary, who was Jewish. Her ancestors were Jewish, in the line of the Hebrews. So Jesus would probably have had a complexion and features common to Jews.
Even among his apostles, Jesus apparently did not stand out as being very different physically, for Judas had to betray him to his enemies with an identifying kiss. Thus, Jesus could readily blend in with the crowd. And he did, for on at least one occasion, he traveled unrecognized from Galilee to Jerusalem.閳ユ摤ark 14:44; John 7:10, 11.
A sin for men to have long hair?
What has the length of a person's hair got to do with ANYTHING? I'm starting to feel kinda testy so it must be time to leave. AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!
A sin for men to have long hair?
I see nothing wrong with men and long hair.
I prefer it.
If He didn't want us to have long hair, why make it continue to grow.
A sin for men to have long hair?
I don't know - was it? I haven't seen anything in the Bible to tell me that Jesus' hair was long. I haven't seen any pictures taken during His lifetime, nor paintings created during His lifetime to show me what He looks like. If you've seen something that proves Jesus had long hair - I'd like to see that proof.
A sin for men to have long hair?
There is a possibility, actually, that he did not have long hair. That is just in modern ideals of him. I saw a documentary on what Jesus may have actually looked like, if he was real anyway. It showed him having a short beard, and short frizzy black hair. Very curly, very nice. Apart from the beard, he was kinda cute, even for a picture of someone who started a horrible era (that still is going on) of murder. xD
A sin for men to have long hair?
Jesus was a carpenter. It would be(and still is) impractical and even dangerous for anyone working with tools(which is usually the men) to have long hair, so I doubt very much that Jesus had long hair.
A sin for men to have long hair?
#1 it says it is a disgrace not a sin, #2 not a single person knows how long Jesus hair was. not one. rest assured His hair was perfect for His time.
A sin for men to have long hair?
Why do you believe Jesus hair was long?
Where does it say it is a sin for a man to have long hair? (I Cor. 11:14 says it is a disgrace)
A sin for men to have long hair?
We don't know how long Jesus' hair was. But we DO know that a Nazarite Vow meant you couldn't cut your hair. I suspect medieval artists may have confused Nazarite and Nazarene.
A sin for men to have long hair?
We do not know about Jesus' hair. Can't go by the pictures or movies you see.
god bless
A sin for men to have long hair?
Does the scripture you cite say a sin or disgrace? It's a BIG diffence between the two. It's a DISGRACE, not a sin.
Where does the Bible talk about Jesus' hair??? Some have the notion that he had long hair, like a woman, but the Bible does not support that. It doesn't say. We can be confident that whatever the custom was in the 1st century, that is what he had.
A sin for men to have long hair?
Paul is talking to the Corinthians here, not everyone. The problem isnt with having long hair, but having long hair in order to appear feminine, which is a clear disgrace to nature...as men are not women. This is not saying men with long hair are girly or are sinful, rather the premise behind having the long hair. Evidence to what I speak is in the verse following, which discusses a woman praying to God with her head uncovered...as this is what traditional jews argued...which explains the little cap now doesn't it.
A sin for men to have long hair?
The Apostle Paul was preaching to the church at
Corinth. He was outlining the
"rules" that should be in a
devout church.
Paul gave many rules to many churches. Many of these rules came from Paul
himself and many came from
Jesus. Paul himself says when he receives a commandment of Jesus to
institute specific rules. The
other rules are from Paul and
were not meant to be forever,
they were meant as guidelines for those churches
in particular and at that
particular time in history.
He also wanted widows never to remarry. He also wanted women and men
on opposite sides of the church. He also would not
allow a woman to speak in
church. Paul was never married and never had children. He was brought up
in the strict letter of the Law.
He was a Pharisee before he
was met on the road to
Damascus by the Lord Himself (and changed from
the LAW to Jesus the Christ.
Yes, Jesus had shoulder length hair as did all the
men of his time.
This is another instance where some preacher can pull
out one piece of theology and
make a doctrine out of it.
The Lord Himself complained about that when he said that
the men of God stand in the
doorway and won't let people come in...they also put burdens on the people that
were too heavy to bear.
The Lord said His laws were
always easy and His burdens
were always light.
A sin for men to have long hair?
ImUURU?: there is a lot of BACKGROUND to which all of the Bible writers point. The reason Jesus founded a school of the Bible instead of a "ritual center" is so that we can be DISCIPLES or students with no profit motive for locking into to a view.
If you are going to stick with the Bible (and get hurt) you have to grasp that from Genesis to Revelation the idea of fallen angels or "principalities and powers in heavenly place" identifies a separate species. Elsewhere, we are discussing Cain and the Kabiri. The Cainites manned the Jerusalem temple by outbidding faithful Israelite priests. That is why Jesus refused to speak to them (and some of us) in plain language. Jesus confirms that the dominant leaders were literal descendants of Satan as indeed Cain is "of that wicked one" and is not included as a son of Adam.
Paul speaks in CHAPTERS and BOOKS and long thought patterns. This is one of those PARADIGMS Or PATTERNISMS which can fit in many places. The CONTEXT includes CHAPTER TEN where Paul speaks of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai where the people rose up to PLAY. This fits the Egyptian pattern where Miriam's name, ursurping authority and using song, instruments and dance to ESCAPE the teaching of the elders by Moses as he RECITED the song. We have historical accounts of the PLAY or musical procession led by the prophetesses and priestess of Hathor.
"All altars, all sacrifices, and all worship that are not intended to serve the true God are thus actually though not necessarily consciously and intentionally devoted to these demons. As these wicked angels, under the leadership of Satan, rule the entire evil world, so in particular they are the originators of the spiritual darkness of which idolatry is the most terrible evidence. Hence all idol sacrifices, whatever the pagan ideas concerning them may be, are really sacrifices unto devils." (Lenski, on 1 Cor. p. 415).
Of the word demon: "It is used in the Septuagint, Deut. 32:17, to translate the Hebrew word which seems, originally, to have meant a supernatural being inferior to the gods proper, applied among the Assyrians to the bull deities which guarded the entrances to temples and palaces." (Vincent, p. 244)
The musical idolatry of the universal-pagan triad at Mount Sinai was their ACTED PRAYER to worship THE STARRY HOSTS. Stephen got himself murdered in part for telling this story and discounted the temple system. God is complient and TURNED THEM over to worship of the angels or "wandering stars" identified with planets. The Lutheran Scholar Lenski notes that:
"An issue has been made of the point that Paul speaks of a woman as prophesying as though it were a matter of course that she should prophesy just as she also prays, and just as the man, too, prays and prophesies.
Paul is said to contradict himself when he forbids the women to prophesy in 14:34-36.
"The matter becomes clear when we observe that from 11:17 onward until the end of chapter 14 Paul deals with the gatherings of the congregation for public worship and with regulations pertaining to public assemblies.
"The transition is decidedly marked: 'that ye come together,' i.e., for public worship, v. 17; 'when ye come together in the church' (ekklpsia, no article), v. 18; and again: 'when ye assemble together,' i.e., for public worship, v. 20) In these public assemblies
"Paul forbids the women, not only to prophesy, but to speak at all, 14:34-36 and assigns the reason for this prohibition just as he does in 1 Tim. 2:11." (Lenski, 1 Cor. p. 437).
So, don't go into chapter 11 empty handed.
1Co.11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
Paul did not use the word CUSTOM. The word is--whoever translates it:
Phusis (g5449) foo'-sis; from 5453; growth (by germination or expansion), i.e. (by impl.) natural production (lineal descent); by extens. a genus or sort; fig. native disposition, constitution or usage: - ([man-]) kind, nature ([-al]).
Scripture uses the word in a good and bad sense:
Ga.2:15 We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,
If we partake of the divine nature we are not just "traditionalists"
2Pe.1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The word SHAME is:
Atimia (g819) at-ee-mee'-ah; from 820; infamy, i.e. (subj.) comparative indignity, (obj.) disgrace: - dishonour, reproach, shame, vile.
Ro.1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:"
Paul uses the term PROPHESYING which fits the UNCOVERED prophesying of the functionaries of of pagan temples which flooded Corinth and the rest of the region. The Lord, Lording saying which causes God not to even know your name means to sing, clap, dance, play instruments to induce that "feeling" Satan sells as holy.
"This is the first mention in the OT of a band of prophets. These were men who went about in companies and were able by means of music and dancing to work themselves up into a convulsive and ecstatic frenzy (2 Kings 3:1-10). Their abnormality was believed to be caused by the invasive influence of the spirit of god.
The word prophesied here does not mean either foretelling the future or preaching after the manner of the later prophets, but engaging in the ritual dance of the prophetic guild (19:18-24).
[These guilds had Canaanite names because that is what they prayed for]
Their behavior was commonly regarded as a form of madness (2 Kings 9:11; Jeremiah 29:26)" (The Int. Bible Ency., I Sam. p. 932).
"It was probably usual to welcome a king or general with music and dancing...The distinctly religious dance is more frequently mentioned. The clear instances of it in the Bible are the dance of the women of Israel at the Red Sea, headed by Miriam with her tambourine (Exodus 15:20); the dance of the Israelites round the golden calf (Exodus 32:19); the dance of the maidens of Shiloah at the annual feast (Judges 21:19 ff); the leaping or limping of the prophets of Baal round their altar on Carmel (1 Kings 18:26); and the dancing of David in front of the ark (2 Samuel 6:14-16) (Int. Std. Bible Ency., p. 1169-70).
In chapter 12 Paul will use a lot of irony by defining SUPERNATURAL GIFTS to shame a people who didn't have the gifts required to synagogue.
In chapter 13 he will connect the TONGUES OF ANGELS as a "parable" to connect the musical instruments restricted to witchcraft or warfare to their practices.
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