Saturday, April 14, 2012

Middle Age - Long Hair?

What is the general opinion of a 49 year old woman having long hair? It is brown ( no gray ) , and worn a number of ways - straight, wavey, up-do, or ponytail. Should hair be short after a certain age?

Middle Age - Long Hair?

NO! If your talking about your hair that sound georgous! Good greef! Wear your hair the way you want to. Especially if you have a lot of it still! I actually hear more ladies saying thay don't have as much of it any more! Keep it trimmed, healthy, smile have a lovely attitude.... and your bountiful lovely locks will just be a added bonus!

Middle Age - Long Hair?

Okay for a lady. An older woman can have long hair that looks beautiful. I love the idea of a 50-something-year-old woman having long, wavy hair that's healthy.

Middle Age - Long Hair?

No way...your hair is your crowning glory.

old people get it short cause its easier to look after and they don't have anyone to impress any more. lol

Middle Age - Long Hair?

Hair should be what you are happy %26amp; comfortable with. :) Just look at all the actresses in your age group. Some have long, some have short... personal preference. :)

Middle Age - Long Hair?

No. I like seeing women with long hair. I've heard some complain that their hair is no good anymore or its too grey or they just don't want to take care of it, but if you have nice hair and you like it long, why not keep it that way?

Middle Age - Long Hair?

As a fashion Stylist it is so over done with many women who are trying to hold on to there youth. How tall are you? Is your skin flawless and young looking? Do you wear new clothing purchased this year from hip stores and designers like Gucci, Prada? These are all relevant questions to how your look comes off. If you wear it up or in a fabulous style but generally speaking it makes most women look dated, older. Name a Hollywood ICON who is 49 with long hair? Not many? Maybe Christie Brinkley and she is amazing. Get a great shoulder length cut and see everyone reaction. What are you afraid of, Change is good.

Middle Age - Long Hair?

Supposedly women of a certain age are supposed to go short.

This is ridicuous as many notable fashion experts have go to old age with long hair.

I do think if you have long hair and the bloom is off your rose, you should wear the hair up or in a pony tail.

I have long hair, I am over 60 and I wear my hair in a Twist with a nice hair clamp or claw. It keeps the hair out of my face and looks great. I get my hair accessories from Ebay

Middle Age - Long Hair?

Middle aged women are advised to wear shorter hair. Long hair can weigh your face down and make you look tired. Ask your stylist to be sure.

Middle Age - Long Hair?

I think you should wear your hair as long or short as you like at any age as long as it is clean and well groomed. I'm over 50 and had my hair short for years, hated it! Now I'm in the process of letting it grow out so I can have more flexibility with styling it.

Middle Age - Long Hair?

I am almost 41 and I have hair to my butt.Its three feet long from root to tip.Its a dark blonde and natural color.I get compliments all the time, mostly from older women.Younger girls are always asking me questions about how to grow it out and take care of it.Men of all ages tell me that they think really long hair is sexy on a woman.I have a couple of lady friends that have extremely short hair and thats what looks good on them.I think whatever suits your style!!!!!

Middle Age - Long Hair?

if you keep it nice and trimmed its fine

Middle Age - Long Hair?

I have no problem with it i think it is kinda refreshing you do not see many middle aged women with long hair just keep it until u r 100 i am

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