Friday, April 20, 2012

MOMS of boys with long under5 anyways,?

would you mind posting a pic of your child if they have long hair? My son has long hair and always gets mistaken for a girl, even after you tell them hes a boy!

MOMS of boys with long under5 anyways,?

As a baby and toddler my oldest has naturally curly hair. It was very blonde and very curly and was sooo cute! I'd take him to get trimmed and I'd ask them to leave curls in the back. One day I took him to this woman I had been going to. I wasn't sure I really cared for her. We went and she gave me this big, long lecture about how it was fine for now but once he started school I'd need to cut his hair or he'd get teased, blah, blah, blah. I was so ticked off. We never went back to her. My son's hair was adorable and I don't care what anyone says. He is 6 now and we keep it cut short at his request.

MOMS of boys with long under5 anyways,?

Dont worry, that just means he is CUTE!!

MOMS of boys with long under5 anyways,?

naw it is fine lol my son is always called a girl, it means he's cute and they are just jealous their daughters arent that cute

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