Friday, March 30, 2012

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I'm trying to get the courage to cut my long hair short. But I know that most guys don't like short hair on girls. But I really want that feeling of very little hair on my head. For any girl who has cut their hair short, what helped you decide to go ahead and cut it?

Also, I wouldn't want a lot of people starring at me in a salon. Is there a way to get your hair cut without everybody starring at you. Maybe at home if stylists make house calls?

How did you get comfortable with the idea of cutting your hair short? I don't want to look like an old lady, even though I'm in my 20s.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I did it because I live in a tropical country and my hair was down to my was just getting too heavy, too long and too much of a nuisance to keep. I needed a change and when it all came off, it was a weight off my shoulders (literally!)'s so much easier to maintain!

What's wrong with getting your hair cut short anyway? No one stared at me when I got it done, although supposedly in Asia if you don't have long hair, you aren't feminine! And by the way, (I know you said 'most guys' but) some guys actually like short hair on girls :)

In any case, good luck! :)

ps. look at Natalie Portman, Nicole Richie, Sienna Miller, etc...they've all got short hair (and when they've got some weight on them *cough*) they look really good :)

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

because in there hair get to hot so they cut it short Report It

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I'm keeping it short fr sumer. I'm more comfortable with short hair anyway.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

Getting your hair cut short does not make you look like an old lady. Look at alot of young actresses out there, they have short hair and look gorgeous. Why do you think people are staring at you in the salon? They are probably more worried about their 璐竪n haircut than yours

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

because we get tired of it and it is hot and it is heavy. it seems we always want the opposite of what we have

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

There are plenty of attractive women with short hair. So I dont think you should not do something because men like it the other way. If someone is going to like you, its because of you and not what length your hair is. Only cut it short if you are ready for it. I have long hair and love it but before after some time i would get really tired of having it long, so i'd cut it...chin length...I liked it, but only because I was ready for the change.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I can grow it back again if I don't like it.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

um well i didn't cut my hair like REALLY short..but i cut 8 inches off of when you cut your hair off like a feels like that u've lost like 20 lbs! lol ;) but really i did do it and i am really glad because after i cut it i'll never go back to long hair again! it makes you look whatever u want..but i think u should at least cut it to ur shoulders..

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

Donate your hair to the locks of love. If you do that a lot of participating salons give you a generous discount or cut your hair for free.

The reason why I have short hair is because my hair is very thick and it gets tangled so easily. I had gorgeous hair that was down to my waste, but it was too hard to manage. That is why I got mine cut. People loved my hair but they tell me that I look lots better with short hair.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

A lot of girls I know get it cut short, because the weight of long hair gives them headaches. I did have it cut short once (a long time ago). I just went in and had it done.

It takes less time to care for, brush, wash, etc. With the wide variety of short styles they have these days, I am sure you can find one to suit you. One does not have to be old to have short hair. I too, was in my 20s when I had my hair short. The only reason I let it grow was because I got tired of paying to have it cut. Now I get so many compliments on my hair, that I don't want to cut it.

Here's an idea. To avoid funny looks and all, donate your hair to Locks for Love. They use donated hair to make wigs for cancer patients. It is the perfect solution! You get the short hair you want, and no body can give you grief, because it's all for a good cause. Some cancer patient will thank you.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I had hair down to my waist and I cut it above my shoulders. I donated it to Locks of Love. It makes you feel really good about helping someone out, and to tell you the truth, I was a little anxious about it at first, but it was probably one of the best things I've done. I like my hair short now, and I get just as many guys looking. Just make sure you get a cute style that you can do yourself. It took me a little while to learn to do my hair, because I was so used to just pulling it into a ponytail, but in the long run, I'm definitely glad I did it. I use much less shampoo and conditioner, and it holds curl much easier now, also. It takes less time to dry, and it's easier to brush, too.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I did it because a lot of things were changing in my life and I felt like my outside needed a change to.

I also donated mine.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

consult you a hair expert or someone from the salon first if as to what type of "short haircut' would fit you and would add radiance to your face.. in that way u would not look older.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I cut my hair short because I thought it would make me look cheek, I was quiet slim at the time and short hair can look lovely on slim girls, but now I just feel like a boy and that some people think I'm a lesbian, i even get some girls eyeing me up. And I miss my long hair, maybe I'm being Conservative here but I think short hair is for guys and long hair is for girls.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

3 years ago I cut my hair like a little boy.

It was by my shoulders and I use a cutting machine at home because I didn't want anybody to talk me out of it.

I didn't regret it.

I had that look for a long time and wanted to change.

If your hair is longer than that, my advice to you is to cut it with a scissor at home, straight.

It's easy!

And if you like how it feels, it won't be so bad to go to a hairdresser to do the rest for you.

And if you dislike it, it won't take long to grow back again.

And a lot of women look good in short hair: Sharon Stone, Demi Moore...

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I haven't cut my hair short in my life and I was scared to having it cut when I was younger. I've been thinking of getting my hair cut even though I'll miss it. But you only live this life once and a bit of spontaneity can give you a nice surprise when you have a new haircut, and maybe help you develop a new style and stop you from getting into a very safe, possibly dull lifestyle. Hey, you may discover a new you if you have a slick cut. Maybe I'll get a bob!

It's unlikely you'd end up with a haircut like an old lady!!! That is unless you get a short neat perm, which I don't advise. If you went for something layered, it would make you look modern and exciting and if you go for something a bit outrageous, your look is definitely not going to be unappealing to guys - to stand out a bit can really get a guy interested, the right kind of guy you'd want to meet who has the intelligence to look for someone who not afraid to look a bit different.

Oh, and you can get hairdressers who do home visits; just look in the phonebook, my family has one, and they all have a haircut on the same day.

Short hair - definitely not a turn off, so what are you waiting for?!

I'm having a haircut tomorrow!!!

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

Keep it long as long as you can. It is rare as people have no time to look after themselves. Take care of it.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

Dont cut your hair!!!!!!!!!! Just style it. Get it trimmed in layers or a straight cut or something but dont cut your hair short.

Because once you cut your hair short it will never grow back the length you have right now :'-(

Hope this helps!

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I did it for Locks of Love. Some kids out there that are going through chemo, really need the hair. And don't be so self-concious.



For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I would do it for Locks of Love. (No one would be able to get mad at you for cutting it if you do it for a great reason like that... Though no one has a right to get mad about it because it's your hair.) I'm also debating cutting my hair short enough that I can make it a little bit spiky and tip it red, but I'm afraid it's not going to look good on me... the length, I mean. And I don't think that all the guys get the long haired girls... Some girls just look better with short hair. It's the change between long and short that some guys will complain about. They don't like change. :)

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

having short hair does not make you look like an old lady.

If you want to do it there are plenty of styles that look really cool.

I hope you think to donate the hair to a group like Locks of Love that make wigs for cancer patients.

BTW most of the time the hairdresser will make a pony tail first and cut that off especially if the hair is being donated.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I've had my hair super short for almost 10 years now and I love it. It's easy to take care of, I do have some styling options and my husband loves it. And we met when I had short hair, so short hair does sometimes get the guy.

For that matter - do you really want a guy to like you just because of your hairstyle? Or do you want him to like you because of who you are?

If you are really that worried about the salon experience, maybe try to make an appointment at a slow time. Take the time to talk to your stylist about what you'd like - bring pictures.

And remember - it will grow back. If you are still really nervous about the procedure, maybe go in steps. Cut it to shoulder or chin length, see how you like it and then if you want to keep going shorter, go for it.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

It was time for a change. I donated my hair to Locks of Love. They make wigs for cancer patients.

I have always gone through phases of either keeping my hair short or long. And when its long and I'm ready to cut it...It's usually drastic. There are tons of great styles to go short and not look like grandma. Look through hair magazines or books or just magazines you read all the time. If you aren't sure you are ready to go really really short just try going to the shoulders. That way you can still pull it up into a pony tail and it's not too overwhelming.

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

I decided to cut my hair short and donated it to Locks of Love. I'm an athlete so it's easier for me to run and swim competitively with my hair short. Getting your hair cut short doesn't make you look like an old lady, a lot of models in magazines and famous athletes have short hair. If you get your hair cut at an absurd time, say 7:30 am no one will be there to stare. If you really want to do it and think you'd like it, DO IT!

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

it looks healthier, its easier to manage, saves you a lot of shampoo and conditioner, easy to be sure every strand has enough nutrients cause the root wouldnt have to feed long hair..

For girls who cut their long hair short, why'd you do it?

Mine was cut seriously shorter than it was not by my choice.

Some of the stylists out there are especially scissor happy.

Donate your long hair to the locks of love foundation.

People won't stare so much as to admire the cause and the courage which it takes courage to do a drastic change.

Make an early am appt if possible when there are less people out and about. Especially on a weekend morning. I wouldn't think you'd want a home stylist , salons are usually more up to date on what's in and what would look good on you. Do a consultaion first if your unsure about going through with it.

Some salons though few, even have computer programs you can play with tto see how styles will look before you go through with them. I think there are a few online as well.

Type in virtual make over in the search bar.

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