Friday, March 30, 2012

I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

I am nervous about getting a perm. I want a Sandra Bullock look where her hair is curly but not too tight and not too loose. I have died my hair a long time ago but its been die free from many months. Does anyone have any suggestions or stories about their perms? I'm nervous! Help!!!

I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

I have nothing good to say about perms. My mom started perming my hair when I was 6. My hair was a wreck my entire childhood. I didn't know any better and kept perming my hair all the way through my 20's. Big mistake! It wasn't until about 6 years ago that I finally stopped the madness. It took 2-3 years for that mess to finally grow out. Now my hair is how it should be naturally (except the color that is).

I would never recommend a perm. Ever.

I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

I have never had a perm but I have heard that they are very BAD for your hair! Lots of damage! Why dont you just buy some hot rollers or something like that%26gt;?

I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

I have had good perms and bad. the best when I had long hair was the spiral perms. they are not so tight and looked a lot better. good luck.

I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

omg i am interested in getting a perm similar to your description. Don't worry too much about getting a terrible perm that was common in the 80s. I have done tons of research on them and these days perms can be modern and stylish [such as loose curls or waves]

make sure you really consider this idea because it is EXTREMELY hard to get a perm out of your hair if u are not satisfied.

keep in mind that perms ARE NOT wash and wear. You have to style them. So if u want low maintenance hair, a perm is not for you.

perms can be wonderful, on the other hand, they give body and texture to your hair. The chances of getting a horrid one are slim if you are specific about the kind of perm you want with your hairdresser.

best of wishes!


I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

I used to get perms all the time!

If your doing it yourself, just make sure that you get the right stuff. Try going to Sallys Beauty Supply and talk to the people there, they have great advice!

And if you want loose curls, make sure you get big rollers.

I have long hair and want a perm, any suggestions?

Perms can be good if done in a salon by a professional. I've had one perm in my life and LOVED it! It stayed in my hair for along time because I took good care if it by not brushing it while wet, keeping my hair moisturized by using conditioner every time I washed, and using styling products meant for curly hair. I was lucky enough to have a great stylist that knew what she was doing. My hair texture changed as I've gotten older so lucky me, I don't need to perm again.

You may want to talk to your stylist first because long hair can actually "pull" out the perm if it's not done the right way. Longer hair = heavier hair. Also, if your hair is on the thicker side it may not take and you might not get the results you want. If you do decide to get one, go see a stylist that you know and trust. Referrals from other people are the best way to go!!!!

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