Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

I have really long hair. It's two feet from the root to the tip and dark brown. I have side-swept bangs which are now growing out. I know I need a cut but I don't have the time! I have a job interview on Wednesday and need some ideas. The place I'm interviewing at is rather conservative, a traditional office enviroment at a hotel. I have my outfit already, pinstriped pants, a black cardigan and blouse with black flats. I just don't know what to do with this pile of hair on my head! Is it acceptable to wear it down? Any help and suggestions are very appreciated!

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

if I were you, I would do an up-and-down held in place with a nice clip. If you don't know how to do this (I bet you do, but just in case):

~Put thumbs behind ears and gather all hair by moving thumbs straight back

~Brush hair NOT gathered (under that section) and the upper section that you gathered seperatly

~Hold upper section in place with hair elastic

~Put decorative clip over hair elastic


OR put hair in relaxed (but still tightish) bun at crown of head or at base of neck

OR just curl it and leave it down

Hope this helped, and good luck with your interview!

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

tied back neatly in either a ponytail or a bun. or maybe a braid?

keep your bangs out of your face

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

You could wear it down, but doing it in any type of bun would make you look more professional. Make sure your bangs aren't too long and that they are out of the way.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

i know it might sound kind of weird. but a loose bun would look good. like do a small side part like an inch long and slick that part back and the rest straight back. and either in a bun or go to the store and get one of those like jawed clips and put it in that. loose long hair flying around might be an unprofessional apperance.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

A basic pony tail will do. Basic is better.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

You can wear it down if you want. Just maybe put a cute clip or something in your hair. When I think of conservative... I think of either ponytails, or tight buns for hairstyles. For ponytails, you can add a ribbon or a bow if you want^^. If you want to wear your hair down, maybe make it wavy or something. Go get your hair done at a salon ... ;) they do a good job%26lt;3

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

I have NEVER had my hair up or done for an interview. I just make it look very nice and leave it down. I dont want to look like I am going to prom for an interview.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

Your best bet for your hair in my opinion would be tied back into a low ponytail or in a headband. Of course nothing fancy just something to tie back your hair.

Hope this helps.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

Whatever you do make sure that you arent doing your hair like you are going out with friends because you want them to take you seriously.

I would recommend a low ponytail, maybe you could curl your hair and then put it in a ponytail afterwards, and it will make it seem like you spent time on it, but not like you are too much...

Good luck with getting that job!

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

I used to do interviews for people applying for jobs. While we were not a conservative company, we did expect people to present themselves in a professional manner.

Like others on here, I would suggest a pony tail. Leave the bangs as they are as long as you don't have to keep brushing your hair out of your eyes, you should be fine. the pony tail will allow you to keep your hair long but it will present a professional appearance.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

Yes try to keep your bangs out of your face, but I have worked in several hotels and I have really long hair and I always wear my hair down, maybe with a head band or just put the very top back into a barrette if you know what I mean. It is okay to waer it down. Honey it is a hotel, your not applying for a lawyer job at a firm.. relax!! Just go in there and smile and look at the interviewer in the eye. If your relaxed it will show.

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

you can whear it down or in a pony tail or in a big bun. I would usaualy leave it down. my hair is about a foot long. so whatever you feel right with just do it

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

maybe those messy buns? i dont know how to explain it %26gt;.%26lt;

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

leave it down

in a bun

in a ponytail

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

A very professional and "classy" classic style is You hair pulled back in a clip. See link below. But in a solid color

How should I do my long hair for a job interview?

keep it down %26amp; stright ... keep it classie.

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