I like this guy with long hair and i like this gut with short hair and i don't know which one i should get my friend to ask out!!!!!
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
well i'm jsut recently finding out that i am atracted to men with longer hair. not dreds, but like Bret michaels long, xD i seem to think every guy i see with longer type hair is sexy
Mystery(the pick-up artist)
Bret Michaels (rock of love)
Criss Angel(mindfreak)
ohh yeaa haha but they are all sadly too old for meh
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
lovee this it's soo true and helped me alot Report It
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
uhh...maybe try deciding based more on their other qualities instead of their current hair styles? Or better yet date neither and grow up a bit first? :)
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
these questions are stupid--go out with the one you're more attracted to in other ways besides his hair!!!!
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
You are not mature enough to be dating.
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
Hair length shouldn't be the determining factor...who you have the most in common with and like the best (re: personality) should be.
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
you should date a person with long hair. WHY? they're hotter to me!
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
Aren't bald guys supposed to be more sexy?
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
I seem to be more drawn to long haired guys. They are so hawt.
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
which one is a better person? Which one do you have more in common with? Which one has the better sense on humor? Which one is more kind, caring, and which one seems like someone who you want to spend a lot of time with? Really, come on now....you can like the hair of the guy you choose---but don't choose a guy because you like his hair.
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
How is this a basis for making a decision? It seems curious to judge on such superficial traits.
Or, are you thinking that someone with long hair is more individualistic and free thinking and a shorted haired person is more traditional and conformist?
At this point in your life, you should date a variety of people to learn about what works for you and what you like and who would be a good partner for the long term.
Date both if you like them and respect them.
Should i date a kid with long hair or short hair?
I'm pullin for the long haired guy...lol
since where on the subject what do you think about mine??
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