Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

i mean long hair's just anoying and in the way, whereas short hair can be just as sexy cant it? and alot more practical ... i am curently trying to decide if i should cut my hair short and i dont know what to do!!

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

Honestly, long hair looks better for girls...not really for boys (only some). I've seen girls that used to have short hairs and when they grew their hairs long...they looked a lot better. Face it, long hair gives you more emphasis especially on girls and I'm a guy and long-haired girls just really look really good. Just get used to long hair even if its annoying 'coz its really worth it. While some girls do look good with short hair BUT mostly girls look a lot better with long hair...Hope that helps. You could cut your hair but make sure not to make it too short that it wouldn't look really that good. At least shoulder length...that's the shortest cut you could give your hair.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

It's not the hair. It's you.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

just dont get it cut to look like a dude and you will be fine, short hair can be sexy yes.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

get ur hair the way u want it. why wud u do it just to impress guys?

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

Well cut it to suit yourself but there are a number of reasons why guys like long hair, but if you dont like it cut it

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

short hair is more mannish

Guys don't want to be gay if they are going out with a girl

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

Mainly it's because short hair makes women look more like men. I can handle a bob, but the over the ear thing does nothing for me.


Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

it depend on ur face. but i think guys fing average hair sexy. not too long cuz then its just disgusting.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

i think its personal preference... hair should not matter but personality in my opinion. do what makes you happy not what others think. :) good luck


Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

I think a girl looks better with long hair than with very short hair. But it's up to you to cut the way you want. ;)

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

its always a personal preference as to whether long or sho9rt hair.... personally i think its whatever suits the person i mean some larger people whose hair long look odd and vice versa its always an independant decision. ask your hairdresser what style would suit your face best and then go and have fun...

its always fun having a new hair do and i think short hair ca be great fun witha ghds and tongs now adays ......

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

I dont like girls with short hair because to me it seems when a girl has well managed long hair she cares about her personal appearence and is a clean person. The same thing with finger nails, if a girl has dirty, short or fake finger nails then u can tell that she doesnt take care of her self. It may be more convienent for girls not to have long hair, but to me it shows that the person cares enough about her self to maintain her self

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

Long hair is more sexy, but not too long

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

I have long hair too and i have been thinking of cutting mine shorter as well. But my husband tells me not to because in his eyes, long hair is beautiful. I guess he says he likes the style and how it flaps in the wind and he thinks long hair is sexy.

My brother always tells me he is looking for a girl with short hair because that is what he finds attractive.

So really, it is ones personal preference!

Good luck with what you decide to do!

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

It triggers a primitive domination response to have something to grab onto and pull. It is a sign of superiority to pull a female's hair, and most males like to feel dominant over their females if not for a small amount of time.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

i think it all depends on ur face shape and bone structure....some girls can pull off short hair and some cant..hell some girls look amazing with a bald all differs per person...from what ive gathered by listening to my friends who are 85% guys...they like long hair because they have this obsession with running their hands through it when they kiss a girl and something about how girls always seem to have such silky soft hair is a huge turn on to them....also its not really nice but one of my friends went to kiss some girl who had super short buzzed hair (it looked fantstic on her!!) and he said with his eyes closed it felt like he was grabbing another dude cuz her hair was so short and it was a turn off for him...if ur not sure about how ull look...go to a wig shop and try on some that are the length u are considering and see what u think..its easier to cut hair off than it is to put it back on...and dont let what guys think influence ur decision to cut ur hair..if u like how it looks and its what u want then rock it girl!! theres gunna be ana amazing guy who likes u for u..short hair and ignore anyone who says ewwww short hair is lesbian-ish/ugly/ sketchy ..if its what u want then go for it!!

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

I am more confident when I have long hair, then short.

confidence is sexy

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

I think that it really just depends on the guy. Most guys like long hair because their mothers have short hair and had long hair when they we younger. I think that if you cut your hair, it should fit your face. I like long hair, keeps me warm when its cold. I can put it up and it would look stuipd short because it would look like a sheep.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

because short hair looks like a boy

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

I have short hair and I get compliments all the time (even from guys). I've had short hair for years and I love it . It's so much easier for me to manage it being short It depends on what style you get. You got to find the right style that compliments your face. Maybe try a style with some highlights Go get some hair magazines and check out the latest styles.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

Really, if a guys is 'that' into hair, he's probably gay.

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

It really depends on what YOU like and think looks good on you. Sure, opinions from men help, but in the end you will be wearing that haircut, not them.

Most men love long hair because it is feminine and sexy. Nothing is sexier than that!

Why do guys prefer girls with long hair??

Gradually cut it, then you'll see if you want to go shorter, or keep cutting, I am in the process too. ( I don't resemble the virtual 'me', but maybe...) Good luck, be happy!

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